ACTFL Listening Proficiency Test (LPT)

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The ACTFL Listening Proficiency Test (LPT) is a proctored, online, 一种基于熟练程度的测试,用于全面星际网赌登录一门语言的听力能力. 这是一种对交际的解释模式的星际网赌登录 World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages. 语言能力测试衡量一个人对口语的理解程度 ACTFL Proficiency Scale or Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Scale.

The LPT assesses general language proficiency, not what is learned in a specific program, class, school, or university. It is not tied to a particular teaching method or curriculum. Rather than assessing what a person “knows” about the language, 语言能力测试是对一个人理解口语能力的星际网赌登录.

Reasons to Use the LPT

官方ACTFL LPT评分可用于各种学术目的, commercial, and government communities. In academia, listening proficiency ratings can be used for admissions, placement into language programs, general assessments, or exit/ graduation requirements. In business and government communities, LPT ratings can be used for certification, hiring, and promotion in multi-lingual positions. Upon completion of an official ACTFL LPT, digital badges,表明已达到的熟练程度范围,可通过Credly获得.


ACTFL语言测试目前有以下语言版本:阿拉伯文, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

The LPT Format

LPT是与测试研究及测试发展研究所(ITT). 该测试包含10到25个目标语言的听力段落. Listening passages vary in genre, content, length, and complexity depending on the level being assessed. 每篇文章后面有三个选择题,用目标语言写. A demo test is available online. 听力段落的样本文本和他们的熟练程度的基本原理可在 LPT Familiarization Guide. 以下语言的示例音频剪辑也可在 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012- Listening: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Get recognized for your language skills

Secure authenticated Credly digital badges ,发给完成合资格评核的高等院校学生及成人. Digital badges can be used to enhance online profiles, resume, email signatures, 并向学术机构或雇主提供语言能力证明.

Which assessments qualify?

Proficiency Ranges

ACTFL语言能力测试星际网赌登录目标语言的口译听力,涵盖ACTFL能力水平的全部范围, from Novice to Superior on eight different test forms. 以下是对不同测试形式及其管理时间的描述.

Rating Scales

In addition to the ACTFL Proficiency Rating Scale, rating can also be made using the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR), and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Assessment Criteria

解释性听力在很大程度上取决于听者所能获取的信息量, 以及他们可以从听一个或多个说话者在各种情况下产生的口语中做出的推断和联系. ACTFL语言能力测试星际网赌登录的是听者对口语段落的理解程度,以及在不同语境下与不同类型的段落相关的听力任务, regardless of where, when, or how the language was acquired.


  • 听者所能理解的口语的功能和目的;
  • 文章的内容范围和语境,
  • the text type that the listener can understand,
  • 听者能理解的词汇和语法结构的范围
  • 听者在语言中所能理解的文化参考.

Refer to the LPT Familiarization Guide 有关每种表格中星际网赌登录的熟练程度的详细信息.

Reasons to Use the LPT

官方ACTFL LPT评分可用于各种学术目的, commercial, and government communities. In academia, listening proficiency ratings can be used for admissions, placement into language programs, general assessments, or for exit/graduation requirements. In business and government communities, LPT ratings can be used for certification, hiring, and promotion in multi-lingual positions. Upon completion of an official ACTFL LPT, digital badges, which indicate the proficiency range achieved, are available through Credly.



Reliability and Validity

ACTFL LPT已经使用内容相关的方法进行了广泛的验证, criterion-related, and construct-related evidence. 效度和信度报告是ACTFL的一部分 ACE CREDIT review process. Review the bibliography of ACTFL’s ACE Review studies.